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Author Interview: Mark Mellon

Author, Mark Mellon

Short Story: Infernal Twins

Apologue of the Immortals

Tell us a little about your background and what led you to writing.

I'm a novelist who supports his family by working as an attorney. I learned to read at an early age and admire novelists like Nabokov and Faulkner although my writing isn't anything like theirs. I've been writing stories since I was seven years old.

How or when did you realize you wanted to be an author?

I decided to get serious about writing when I was thirty-five and read the first volume of Anthony Burgess's autobiography, Little Wilson And Big God.

What is your writing process like?

I write a thousand words every time. The next time, I review and edit what I previously wrote, then add another thousand words. When finished, I edit multiple times until I'm satisfied. I don't use editors or beta readers; I ride alone.

What inspires you to write?

I get ideas from lots of places, TV shows, books, and my usual preoccupation with antiquity and mythology.

What part does writing play in your life?

It's the most important thing I do.

What are your aspirations for your writing journey?

I want to be successful and famous for my writing.

What is something you know now about writing you wish you knew when you started?

I wished I'd tried harder in the '90's to get an agent because it was somewhat easier then.

Describe your favorite character (you created). Why?

Melkart the Mighty, the towering Tyrian, the Bronze Age badass. I like Melkart because he's brave, strong, capable, but also modest and good-humored. He's also my most successful character in terms of placing stories and being paid for them, another big plus.

Which author(s) inspires you as a writer?

For the type of stuff I write now, Dashiell Hammett, Robert Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, and Edgar Allan Poe.

What advice would you give newly aspiring authors?

Work at writing regularly, not just when you feel like it. Decide what kind of writing you want to do. Which writers do you admire and why? Decide whether you want to emulate them or strike out on your own. Write, read, and think about both.

What works can your readers expect to see in the near future?

I'm working on an alternate world trilogy entitled Death Gods Of Aztlantis. The first book, The Infernal Twins, is finished and I need to start work on the sequel, The Monkey Twins.

How can your readers find more about you and your works? I keep a blog on my website that lists my publications with links to them.

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